City of York Council

Committee Minutes


Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport


1 December 2020


Councillors D'Agorne




38.           Declarations of Interest


The Executive Member was asked to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal interests, not included on the Register of Interests, or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests that he might have had in respect of business on the agenda. The Executive Member noted that he had no interests to declare, but wished to note that Farrar Street was inside his Fishergate Ward and he had advised residents about the process relating to Residential Parking.





39.           Minutes


Resolved:  That the minutes of the Decision Session of the Executive Member for Transport held on 3 November 2020 be approved and signed by the Executive Member as a correct record.


The Executive member also thanked Council Officers for the impressive and fast implementation of the puffin pedestrian crossing on Green Dykes Lane.





40.           Public Participation


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.








41.           TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment - Clifton Moorgate / Hurricane Way YK2239


The Executive Member considered the report, officers noted that the recommendation was for option one the replacement of the expired traffic signals. Option two was discussed and it was noted that the installation of a right hand was first raised as part of the outer ring road consultation. Officers noted that the recommendation would not include the right hand turn as it was adjudged that the cost outweighed the benefit that could be created. It was also outlined that a right hand turn could create traffic jams leading to the outer ring road and promote cars to drive towards the city centre, rather than use the outer ring road to complete journeys.


The Executive Member noted a written representation he had received form a Ward Councillor. The Councillor had raised concerns about the consultation leading to the decision as it had been a part of the consultation on the outer ring road. Therefore, the Executive Member agreed that the decision would be deferred until a January Decision Session to allow local residents and Ward Councillors an additional opportunity to engage in the decision making process




                      i.       That a decision be deferred to a January decision session to allow for local residents and Ward Councillors an additional opportunity to engage in the decision making process.


Resolved: To ensure that local residents and Ward Councillors have had sufficient opportunity to engage in the decision making process.





42.           Consideration of consultation results from Farrar Street following a petition being received requesting Residents’ Priority Parking


Officers outlined the report and noted that COVID-19 and the first lockdown had impacted on the original consultation process in March and therefore, a second consultation had been undertaken in September which received a small return rate of only 31% of residents. As the consultation had received less than 50% of residents responding a standard criteria for the Council, the recommendation was therefore for no further action towards the implementation of Residents Priority parking at this location.


The Executive Member noted that this instance had highlighted a potential problem with the Council’s standard criteria and considered whether a future policy change especially for areas with a high HMO residency, could be introduced to assist these areas with being able to implement a Residents Priority Parking when popular enough with local residents.




                      i.       That no further action towards the implementation of Residents Priority parking at this location be undertaken and that the consulted area be removed from the Residents Parking waiting list.


Reason:     The standard required percentage return rate for progressing to the legal advertisement stage has not been met.








Cllr A D’Agorne, Executive Member for Transport

[The meeting started at 10.00 am and finished at 10.23 am].




























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